
:Dren of the Wilderness is my blog about Michigan outdoor fun. I am interested in connecting with other hikers, kayakers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts. I want to help other people get out to enjoy nature without disturbing it. I am looking forward to sharing everything that I know about outdoor sports and travel in America's High-Five! Email me at drenofthewild@gmail.com if you have any comments! Check out the pictures at the bottom of this page or at our Photobucket.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Eek! Sorry I have not been keeping up on my blog. I went on a few afternoon trips and spent a long weekend camping with my family, but I have not had time to write about it all.

The good news is abundant! First, I have many pictures to upload and stories to tell (I scared a heron by accident)! Second, I am leaving for Alaska soon! I do not usually use so many exclamation points, but I am quite excited today. My bags are packed, batteries are charged, and my books and crosswords are ready!

Coast Guard Festival is this week which means that work is exceptionally busy. Plus, old friends always come in from out of town for the festival, so I have people to see before I leave for Fairbanks. This means I will not be able to get my Hackert Lake pictures up for a while, but there will be much more time when I get back.

Thank you for the best wishes on my trip!

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